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via the below links here are the important facts to why this trap works:
Once the mosquito bites a person infected or not, she then hunts for water in about 2 days to lay eggs. I have read she has been known to lay eggs in a water source as small as a bottle top. So she is very proficient. Also, water that has had eggs hatch is said to have an extra attractant of a pheromone. It is said for survival prefers to lay eggs at multiple locations each egg laying cycle. This is a major advantage for us by putting out multiple traps whether true or not but below shows documentation that it is true. The diseases are not transmitted for 7 or so days once a mosquito bites an infected person. This is about 2 egg laying cycle if we trap her she cannot pass any disease on. Next, plain water traps IE Ovi traps have been used to for even just mosquito sampling projections for over 50 years. And now a Canadian University found that an Ovi trap with just plain water inside tires can decrease the population. What this one-way does is dead ends 98% of the time any potentially infected mosquitos and the offspring are reduced so in time there are also fewer mosquitos addressing the problem two fold. Without poisons, replacing sticky materials, electricity and it accomplishes this very inexpensively. The least expensive in the world that should be just as efficient.
Here is a new paper just published on do ovitraps work, click for the link. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 11, 2017, no. 23, 1123-1131 Controlling Aedes aegypti mosquitoes by using ovitraps: a mathematical model
The State of the Art of Lethal Oviposition Trap-Based Mass Interventions for Arboviral Control published 2017
Laboratory Evaluation of a Novel Lethal Ovitrap for Control of Aedes aegypti published 2017
Here are some links I used to understand the AE mosquito.
this one they used a soda bottle and coated it with sticky stuff. I believe this experiment proves one way theory is the answer.
this one ovitrap with sticky hay infusion works.
optimal number per site of lethal ovitraps
Sticky ovitraps deployed at ground level for 1 wk captured significantly more female Ae. aegypti (mean ± SE, 1.7 ± 0.4) than those set at 1.75-m elevation (1.0 ± 0.3). Setting traps on the leeward side of houses significantly improved collections during a dry season experiment but not in the wet season. Traps set at lightly or heavily shaded premises performed equally well.
bedroom vs livingroom with ovitraps and also outside locations.
this one shows how effective ovitraps are.
dengue fact sheet
Then, all that's left to do is remove the eggs from the water. The now-pheromone rich trap will continue to attract more mosquitoes.
"All mosquitoes, when they lay their eggs, within the egg there is a microgram of a pheromone. That's what is called an 'oviposition' pheromone. When the larva hatches, it liberates the pheromone into the water — which helps indicate to other female mosquitoes that that's a good place for their babies to be born."
this means the AE mossy does not like to lay all their eggs in one basket. So if there are many one way traps they will eventually enter is my take.
putting ovitraps in a town worked...
Field evaluation of a lethal ovitrap against dengue vectors in Brazil.
Field evaluation of a "lethal ovitrap" (LO) to control dengue vector Aedes mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae), was undertaken in two Brazilian municipalities, Areia Branca and Nilopolis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The LO is designed to kill Aedes via an insecticide-treated ovistrip (impregnated with deltamethrin). In each municipality, the intervention was applied to a group of 30 houses (10 LOs/house) and compared to 30 houses without LOs in the same neighbourhood. Five LOs were put outside and five LOs inside each treated house.
we do not care if the female does not lay as many eggs in a clear container. It is a one way entry. In the real world they lay eggs in clear containers all the time, IE any open container.
To address how physiological age, container type and the number of substrates affect Aedes aegypti skip-oviposition behavior, we examined egg distribution by individual females across consecutive gonotrophic cycles. We found no support for the effect of age on egg distribution. However, the hypothesis that both the variety and color of the container would influence skip-oviposition behavior was confirmed. Skip-oviposition behavior remained unchanged throughout the female’s life. The egg distribution pattern was characterized by a significantly higher oviposition rate in one site, with residual eggs distributed in groups of 1–30 eggs. Regardless type, most eggs were registered in dark containers. These data suggest that females contribute equally to population dynamics throughout their lifespan and illustrates the impact of color on egg dispersion.
By Pei-Yong Shi
copywright 2012
page 342,Ng and Vythilingam
Vectors of Flaviviruses and Stratagies of Control
In general, vector control tools are archaic, very limited technological advances. There is a general over-reliance on chemicals, which is not sustainable. It is thus encouraging to note in recent years, the emergence of some potential technologies, which could provide breakthroughs in vector control after decades of stagnation.
edited by Mary M. Cameron, Lena M. Lorenz
However, the reliance on small arsenal of insectacideal compounds that is currently available (Nauen, 2007)and the rapid evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitos (Ranson et al,., 2011; Asidi et al., 2012) are putting global eratication efforts at risk.
Population size and daily survival rates of disease vectors are important determinants of vectorial capacity. A mark-release-recapture experiment was conducted in a dengue endemic urban neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to estimate population size, survival rate and vectorial capacity of Aedes aegypti females using back-pack aspirators and gravid sticky traps (MosquiTRAP). Estimations of the gravid female population size were different when using data gathered from just the MosquiTRAP (3,505 individuals) or aspirator (1,470). However Ae. aegypti survival rates and longevity were similar irrespective of the method of capture. Up to 26.3% of released females would be able to survive for more than 10 days, the length of time of the extrinsic incubation period. Vectorial capacity value ranged between 0.01567 and 0.4215 and the basic reproductive number (R0) was estimated to be between 0.0695 and 1.88.
Preliminary evaluation of the "Dengue-MI" technology for Aedes aegyptimonitoring and control
Limitations in the laboratory identification of Aedes aegypti and processing of field data based on larval surveys led to the development of the "Intelligent Dengue Monitoring" technology (MI-Dengue). MI-Dengue consists of a trap that captures gravid female Ae. aegypti, coupled with a computerized system for field data collection, transmission, and access to georeferenced maps in real time. The current study describe the first experience with a system for monitoring adult Ae. aegypti and presents the preliminary results in three municipalities that adopted MI-Dengue as a strategy to identify key areas and orient control measures. Weekly georeferenced maps and an entomological indicator (Mean Female Aedes Index) provided information on infested areas and infestation levels, color-coded according to the number of captured female Ae. aegypti, and indicated risk-free, dengue alert, and critical situations that triggered appropriate control measures. The preliminary results suggest that the adoption of this control strategy with house-to-house visits in a 200m radius of the positive trap helped reduce dengue in the municipalities that adopted the system.
Evaluation of the AtrAedes™ Lure for Collection of Culex quinquefasciatus in Gravid Traps.
Feb 2014
ConclusionThis ovitrap is a promising new tool in the battle against Dengue. It has proven to be attractive to Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and effective in contaminating these with Beauveria bassiana. Furthermore, we show that the larvicide pyriproxyfen is successfully disseminated to breeding sites close to the trap. Its low production and operating costs enable large scale deployment in Dengue-affected locations.
Background: The increasing global threat of Dengue demands new and easily applicable vector control methods. Ovitraps provide a low-tech and inexpensive means to combat Dengue vectors. Here we describe the development and optimization process of a novel contamination device that targets multiple life-stages of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Special focus is directed to the diverse array of control agents deployed in this trap, covering adulticidal, larvicidal and autodissemination impacts.
Methods: Different trap prototypes and their parts are described, including a floater to contaminate alighting gravid mosquitoes. The attractiveness of the trap, different odor lures and floater design were studied using fluorescent powder adhering to mosquito legs and via choice tests. We demonstrate the mosquitocidal impacts of the control agents: a combination of the larvicide pyriproxyfen and the adulticidal fungus Beauveria bassiana. The impact of pyriproxyfen was determined in free-flight dissemination experiments. The effect on larval development inside the trap and in surrounding breeding sites was measured, as well as survival impacts on recaptured adults.
Results: The developmental process resulted in a design that consists of a black 3 Liter water-filled container with a ring-shaped floater supporting vertically placed gauze dusted with the control agents. On average, 90% of the mosquitoes in the fluorescence experiments made contact with the gauze on the floater. Studies on attractants indicated that a yeast-containing tablet was the most attractive odor lure. Furthermore, the fungus Beauveria bassiana was able to significantly increase mortality of the free-flying adults compared to controls. Dissemination of pyriproxyfen led to >90% larval mortality in alternative breeding sites and 100% larval mortality in the trap itself, against a control mortality of around 5%.
Here we describe the development of a new type of ovitrap, a multi-impact contamination device for Aedes mosquitoes. Our aim was to create a user-friendly control device that does not rely on electricity or chemical insecticides. We show the steps taken to design a trap that is attractive to egg-laying Ae. aegypti and meets requirements for large-scale manufacturing. Experiments were performed to optimize device attractiveness, including tests with several odor lures to augment attraction to Aedes mosquitoes. We show how the device design and the deployment of a new type of gauze enables effective contamination of ovipositing Aedes females. In the second part of this paper we demonstrate the potential adulticidal, autodissemination and larvicidal impacts of the agents deployed in the trap. We report for the first time the combination of the control agents B. bassiana and pyriproxyfen. Experiments were set up to demonstrate the impact of this mixture, including measurements of lethal impacts on contaminated adults, larvicidal impacts inside the trap and larvicidal impacts in surrounding breeding sites.
Globally, 2.5 billion people are at risk of becoming infected with Dengue fever [1], a mosquito-borne disease for which there is no specific medication or vaccine. With over 390 million cases annually [2], Dengue is currently the fastest spreading infectious disease in the tropics. Costs to contain the disease are huge and put severe pressure on (health) budgets of affected countries. Without drugs or a vaccine, control of mosquitoes that transmit the virus remains the sole option to control the disease. Contemporary mosquito control focuses primarily on larval source management in the form of breeding site removal or larviciding and adult control through fogging with insecticides [3].
The main vector of Dengue is the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.), a diurnal species that displays skip-oviposition behavior (i.e. lays small numbers of eggs in multiple sites [4]) and prefers man-made containers as oviposition sites [5]. These sites are often small and difficult to locate, which makes effective larviciding difficult. The preference of Aedes mosquitoes for container-like breeding sites provides the opportunity to control gravid mosquitoes using ovitraps. An ovitrap basically consists of a black or dark colored container filled with water with one or several attractants to lure mosquitoes. Egg-laying female mosquitoes are attracted to the trap by the water [6], visual cues [7], natural odors (mostly from plant infusions) [8, 9, 10, 11], conspecifics [12], or synthetic odors [5, 13, 14, 15]. Ovitraps have an advantage over other traps (for host-seeking mosquitoes) because they do not require a power source or additional carbon dioxide and are not dependent on trap operator’s skill and motivation.
Over the years, various ovitraps have been developed and tested against Aedes mosquitoes. Originally, ovitraps were designed as ‘egg dump’ devices [6], killing all larvae hatching inside the trap. However, since Aedes females show skip-oviposition behavior this targets only a minor proportion of the lifetime reproductive output by females. Novel ovitraps were therefore designed to also target the adult mosquito. These traps include designs such as the ‘sticky’ trap [7, 16, 17] or ‘double-sticky’ trap [8] in which gravid mosquitoes are captured using glue, or lethal ovitraps [18, 19, 20] in which mosquitoes are exposed to insecticides. A major disadvantage of these lethal ovitraps is the fact that insecticides deployed in such traps have shown reduced efficacy due to widespread insecticide resistance in Aedes populations [21].
There are promising alternative mosquito control agents that have been proposed for use in ovitraps, notably autodissemination agents, which are larvicidal compounds that are dispersed to breeding sites by contaminated adult female mosquitoes. Pyriproxyfen is a WHO-recommended juvenile hormone analogue that targets mosquito larvae at the pupal development stage and can be effective in extremely low concentrations (<1 ppb) [22]. It is already being deployed as a mosquito larvicide and is approved for use in drinking water in low concentrations. Experiments have shown that female mosquitoes can acquire pyriproxyfen crystals when landing on a treated surface and deposit these in breeding sites they subsequently visit [23, 24], hence killing their offspring and other larvae already present in those breeding sites at the time when these pupate. Because Aedes mosquitoes are skip-ovipositors, pyriproxyfen can be used as an autodissemination agent for ‘mosquito-driven larval control’; utilizing the gravid female to disperse the larvicide and contaminate multiple breeding sites in the vicinity [25, 26].
Field studies with pyriproxyfen have shown good potential for this new type of vector control [26]. Considering that the contaminated mosquito loses the pyriproxyfen crystals from her legs over time [23], it would be advantageous to deploy this agent in such way that the timeframe between pick up and transfer is as short as possible by contaminating gravid females that lay their first batch of eggs. This would be possible via an ovitrap that contaminates the adult mosquito with pyriproxyfen and allows her to leave the trap afterwards. Considering that Aedes mosquitoes typically only need a short time-frame to (skip) oviposit, the addition of a slow-killing adulticide to target the contaminated adult would increase the control impact of such a device. Slow-killing biopesticides, such as entomopathogenic fungi, would be suitable candidates for this purpose. Spores of the fungus Beauveria bassiana have been shown to effectively infect mosquitoes upon contact by penetrating the insect cuticle and growing into the haemocoel [27]. This infection reduces the mosquito’s vectorial capacity [28, 29], inhibits Dengue virus replication inside the mosquito [30] and eventually kills the mosquito. An additional benefit of this fungus is that it is highly virulent to insecticide-resistant mosquitoes [27, 31] and even has the potential to augment the efficacy of chemical insecticides [27, 32]. The relatively slow kill and pre-lethal impacts of B. bassiana can prevent Dengue transmission and at the same time enable effective dissemination of pyriproxyfen by contaminated mosquitoes to surrounding breeding sites.
Whereas contemporary ovitraps have shown good potential in reducing the number of Ae. aegypti in an area when deployed in sufficiently high numbers [5], they are mainly used for scientific and monitoring purposes and not commonly deployed as a standard Aedes control tool. This opens the opportunity for a trap that can be manufactured on a large scale for the pest control market.
We have shown that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) autocidal gravid ovitraps (AGO trap) reduced the Aedes aegypti population and prevented mosquito outbreaks in southern Puerto Rico. After showing treatment efficacy for 1 year, we deployed three traps per home in an area that formerly did not have traps and in a site that served as the intervention area. Two new areas were selected as reference sites to compare the density of Ae. aegypti without traps. We monitored mosquitoes and weather every week in all four sites. The hypotheses were the density of Ae. aegypti in the former reference area converges to the low levels observed in the intervention area, and mosquito density in both areas having control traps is lower than in the new reference areas. Mosquito density in the former reference area decreased 79% and mosquito density in the new reference areas was 88% greater than in the intervention areas.
Here is the research published that states ovitraps are as effective as any other method of mosquito reduction.
The use of AGO traps to manage Ae. aegypti populations is compatible with other control means such as source reduction, larviciding, adulticiding, sterile insect techniques, induced cytoplasmic incompatibility, and dominant lethal gene systems.
A comparison of larval, ovitrap and MosquiTRAP surveillance for Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti
In Brazil, the entomological surveillance of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is performed by government-mandated larval surveys. In this study, the sensitivities of an adult sticky trap and traditional surveillance methodologies were compared. The study was performed over a 12-week period in a residential neighborhood of the municipality of Pedro Leopoldo, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An ovitrap and a MosquiTRAP were placed at opposite ends of each neighborhood block (60 traps in total) and inspections were performed weekly. The study revealed significant correlations of moderate strength between the larval survey, ovitrap and MosquiTRAP measurements. A positive relationship was observed between temperature, adult capture measurements and egg collections, whereas precipitation and frequency of rainy days exhibited a negative relationship.
Here it will lay eggs in a candy wrapper. The sip feeder aspeact is why they can make everyone in a home sick in one day.
Aedes aegypti, the main mosquito species that transmits Zika virus and several other serious diseases, can breed practically anywhere. These mosquitoes will lay eggs in the stagnant water collected in bird baths or old tires, sure, but also in the few droplets gathered in a discarded candy wrapper, or on the damp surface of a fallen leaf, or in a practically-empty soda can.
Aedes aegypti are known as sip-feeders because they like to take little glugs of blood from different sources, a practice that increases the likelihood that any single mosquito will transmit disease to multiple people. If they can get into your house, all the better for them. Aedes aegypti like being indoors. They hang out in closets, under beds, and behind washing machines; often emerging around dawn and dusk for blood meals from people who usually won’t even notice they’ve been bitten until it’s too late.
Under optimal conditions, the egg of an Aedes mosquito can hatch into a larva in less than a day. The larva then takes about four days to develop in a pupa, from which an adult mosquito will emerge after two days. Three days after the mosquito has bitten a person and taken in blood, it will lay eggs, and the cycle begins again.Fast facts about the mosquito
Only the female aedes mosquito bites as it needs the protein in blood to develop its eggs. The mosquito becomes infective approximately 7 days after it has bitten a person carrying the virus. This is the extrinsic incubation period, during which time the virus replicates in the mosquito and reaches the salivary glands. Peak biting is at dawn and dusk. The average lifespan of an Aedes mosquito in Nature is 2 weeks The mosquito can lay eggs about 3 times in its lifetime, and about 100 eggs are produced each time. The eggs can lie dormant in dry conditions for up to about 9 months, after which they can hatch if exposed to favourable conditions, i.e. water and food
So after biting a infected person she can not infect others for 7 to 11 days is the timeframe. So if we catch her as she lays the first bunch of eggs from that feast or the second no disease is passed on. I have read they can live 1 month and lay as few as 20 eggs and prefer to lay the eggs is multiple locations which is good for our traps located in many locations give her her wish, she just needs to go in one of ours.
I have read the range is as far as 400 meters from the water source which is rare. The normal is 50-100 meters of the site of emergence, the closer options the better for our traps to be located. I assume they lay their eggs in the same place where they hatched when there are not many sites to lay eggs, but we offer more and closer options which logically should be preferable.
This mosquit has a adult life of 8 days to 2 weeks and up to one month some have reported..
Mosquito Host-Seeking: a partial review
Preface: I began writing this review but never completed it and have no plans to do so. However, some people may find this information interesting. There are sections missing, and much is incomplete. What is incomplete? Well, there's still a lot of literature out there that offers additional information which may clarify or contradict the information presented here. References mentioned here can be found in the accompanying bibliography. -John VanDykIntroductionWillis (1947) used a dual-port olfactometer to show that Aedes aegypti and Anopheles quadrimaculatus were attracted to animal odor (human arm). Haddow (1942, listed in Willis 1947 and Laarman biblio) showed that unwashed naked children were more attractive to An. gambiae, An. funestus and An. pharoensis than naked children who had washed. Dirty clothes in a hut attracted more mosquitoes than an empty hut. Individual variation in attractiveness to mosquitoes was shown conclusively by Khan (1965), who was able to isolate 1 person very attractive and 3 people very unattractive to Ae. aegypti by observing both bloodfeeding and probing reponses. Acree (1968) attributed differences in attractivity to the amount of lactic acid produced by the subject. Males were more attractive than females (Rahm 1958, in Khan 1965) and babies are not very attractive compared with men (Muirhead-Thompson 1951, Freyvogel 1961; both in Khan 1965).
Many substances have been tested as possible mosquito attractants. Rudolfs (1922) tested numerous substances using an apparatus with two chambers and a connecting glass tube. The following table shows a partial list of his results (only positive responses are included in the following table:
lactic acid water
Transmission of the Dengue VirusDengue is transmitted between people by the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, which are found throughout the world. Insects that transmit disease are vectors. Symptoms of infection usually begin 4 - 7 days after the mosquito bite and typically last 3 - 10 days. In order for transmission to occur the mosquito must feed on a person during a 5- day period when large amounts of virus are in the blood; this period usually begins a little before the person become symptomatic. Some people never have significant symptoms but can still infect mosquitoes. After entering the mosquito in the blood meal, the virus will require an additional 8-12 days incubation before it can then be transmitted to another human. The mosquito remains infected for the remainder of its life, which might be days or a few weeks.
life cycle of AE day after getting blood lay eggs have read 3 days too. hour
egg of AE 550-700 microns long, 150-180 microns wide, taking a blood meal, female Aedes aegypti mosquitos produce on average 100 to 200 eggs per batch. The females can produce up to five batches of eggs during a lifetime. The number of eggs is dependent on the size of the bloodmeal. Eggs are laid on damp surfaces in areas likely to temporarily flood, such as tree holes and man-made containers like barrels, drums, jars, pots, buckets, flower vases, plant saucers, tanks, discarded bottles, tins, tyres, water cooler, etc. and a lot more places where rain-water collects or is stored. The female Aedes aegypti lays her eggs separately unlike most species. Not all eggs are laid at once, but they can be spread out over hours or days, depending on the availability of suitable substrates. Eggs will most often be placed at varying distances above the water line. The female mosquito will not lay the entire clutch at a single site, but rather spread out the eggs over several sites.
The eggs of Aedes aegypti are smooth, long, ovoid shaped, and roughly one millimeter long. When first laid, eggs appear white but within minutes turn a shiny black. In warm climates eggs may develop in as little as two days, whereas in cooler temperate climates, development can take up to a week. Laid eggs can survive for very long periods in a dry state, often for more than a year. However, they hatch immediately once submerged in water. This makes the control of the dengue virus mosquito very difficult.
LarvaeAfter hatching of the eggs, the larvae (see figure 2) feed on organic particulate matter in the water, such as algae and other microscopic organisms. Most of the larval stage is spent at the water's surface, although they will swim to the bottom of the container if disturbed or when feeding. Larvae are often found around the home in puddles, tires, or within any object holding water. Larval development is temperature dependent. The larvae pass through four instars, spending a short amount of time in the first three, and up to three days in the fourth instar. Fourth instar larvae are approximately eight millimeters long. Males develop faster than females, so males generally pupate earlier. If temperatures are cool, Aedes aegypti can remain in the larval stage for months so long as the water supply is sufficient.
PupaeAfter the fourth instar, the larvae enters the pupal stage (figure 3). Mosquito pupae are mobile and respond to stimuli. Pupae do not feed and take approximately two days to develop. Adults emerge by ingesting air to expand the abdomen thus splitting open the pupal case and emerge head first.
repelent testing
size aegypti larvae and pupae in Iquitos, Peru, and compared these with the size of resulting adult females. During 22 May to 20 July 2000, immature mosquitoes were collected from 12,722 containers in 2,931 houses, of which 424 held ≥1 Ae. aegypti. A subsample of larvae and all 16,433 pupae detected was removed for study. Resting adult mosquitoes were also collected from the same houses as the immatures. Adult mosquito size was determined by measuring the wing lengths of 672 aspirated adults and 2,316 adult females that emerged from container-derived pupae. Immatures were most commonly found in rain-filled containers, located outside of houses, and without lids. The average wing length of females derived from pupae varied considerably (1.67–3.83 mm), with slightly less variation for females captured as adults (1.80–3.23 mm)
4-7mm in size
Aedes aegypti: the yellow fever mosquito
Aëdes Aegypti (L.) The Yellow Fever Mosquito: Its Life History, Bionomics and Structure
Front CoverS. R. ChristophersCambridge University Press, Jan 3, 1960 - Science - 752 pages0 Reviews
Aëdes Aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, is widely used as a laboratory type for research on the bionomics, structure and physiology of the mosquito and for many other research purposes, such as in the testing of insecticides, research on essential food requirements and genetical studies. The book brings together in a systematic way all that is known about this species. It presents, in a readily usable form, information scattered in a vast and diffuse literature and adds much from the author's own work. The scope of the book covers: the history of early research, a review of the species systematics, its distribution, natural enemies and parasites, its relation to disease and the measures taken in its control.
The use of vector surveillance tools for preventing dengue disease requires fine assessment of risk, in order to improve vector control activities. Nevertheless, the thresholds between vector detection and dengue fever occurrence are currently not well established. In Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil), dengue has been endemic for several years. From January 2007 to June 2008, the dengue vector Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti was monitored by ovitrap, the sticky-trap MosquiTRAP™ and larval surveys in an study area in Belo Horizonte. Using a space-time scan for clusters detection implemented in SaTScan software, the vector presence recorded by the different monitoring methods was evaluated. Clusters of vectors and dengue fever were detected. It was verified that ovitrap and MosquiTRAP vector detection methods predicted dengue occurrence better than larval survey, both spatially and temporally. MosquiTRAP and ovitrap presented similar results of space-time intersections to dengue fever clusters. Nevertheless ovitrap clusters presented longer duration periods than MosquiTRAP ones, less acuratelly signalizing the dengue risk areas, since the detection of vector clusters during most of the study period was not necessarily correlated to dengue fever occurrence. It was verified that ovitrap clusters occurred more than 200 days (values ranged from 97.0±35.35 to 283.0±168.4 days) before dengue fever clusters, whereas MosquiTRAP clusters preceded dengue fever clusters by approximately 80 days (values ranged from 65.5±58.7 to 94.0±14. 3 days), the former showing to be more temporally precise. Thus, in the present cluster analysis study MosquiTRAP presented superior results for signaling dengue transmission risks both geographically and temporally. Since early detection is crucial for planning and deploying effective preventions, MosquiTRAP showed to be a reliable tool and this method provides groundwork for the development of even more precise tools.
Raw sewage as breeding site to Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Diptera, culicidae).
Chitolina RF1, Anjos FA1, Lima TS1, Castro EA1, Costa-Ribeiro MC2.Author informationAbstractThe selection of oviposition sites by females of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is a key factor for the larval survival and egg dispersion and has a direct influence in vector control programs. In this study, we evaluated the aspects of reproductive physiology of Ae. aegypti mosquitoes tested in the presence of raw sewage. Ae. aegypti females were used in oviposition bioassays according to two methodologies: (i) choice assay, in which three oviposition substrates were offered in the same cage: treatment (raw sewage), positive control (distilled water) and negative control (1% sodium hypochlorite) and; (ii) no choice assay, in which only one substrate was available. The physicochemical and microbiological analysis of the raw sewage used in this study indicated virtually no levels of chlorine, low levels of dissolved oxygen and high levels of nitrogenous compounds as well as the presence of Escherichia coli and total fecal coliforms. After 72h of oviposition, the eggs were counted and there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in the oviposition rate between raw sewage and positive control in both methodologies. In addition, females were dissected to evaluate egg-retention and also there were no appreciable differences in egg retention even when raw sewage was the only substrate offered. The data also showed that egg hatching and larvae development occurred normally in the raw sewage. Therefore, the present study suggests that Ae. aegypti can adapt to new sites and lay eggs in polluted water, such as the raw sewage. These findings are of particular importance for the control and surveillance programs against Ae. aegypti in countries where the conditions of poor infrastructure and lack of basic sanitation are still an issue.
skip ovipostition and distance
Davis TJ1, Kaufman PE2, Tatem AJ3, Hogsette JA4, Kline DL4.
Aedes albopictus (Skuse) is a container-breeding species with considerable public health importance. To date, Ae. albopictus oviposition behavior has been assessed in outdoor conditions, but only with laboratory-reared specimens. In outdoor large-cage and field studies, we used an attractive self-marking ovipositional device to assess Ae. albopictus skip oviposition behavior. In field studies, 37 wild Ae. albopictus that visited an attractive self-marking ovisite were subsequently captured at a sticky ovitrap within a 4-d period. Because the average Ae. albopictus gonotrophic period is 4.5-6 d, the wild-caught Ae. albopictus visited at least two oviposition sites within a single gonotrophic period. This provided field-based indirect evidence of skip oviposition. The mean distance traveled (MDT) during the 20-d evaluations ranged from 58 to 78 m. The maximum observed distance traveled was 149 m, which was the outer edge of our trapping ability. As populations of Ae. albopictus increased, the MDT during the 4- and 20-d post-marking period increased significantly. Additional observations of wild-marked and captured Aedes triseriatus (Say) are discussed.
Lethal ovitraps (LO) have been successfully deployed in dengue control operations in north Queensland, Australia since 2004. However, the current plastic-bucket LO must be retrieved before the pesticide-treated strip degrades and the trap begins producing mosquitoes. The logistics involved with trap retrieval are considerable and include recording trap location and retrieval date onto a database, locating and retrieving each trap, and examining lethal ovitraps for eggs. Collectively, these necessary activities greatly reduce the efficiency of dengue control
this next one demonstrates ovitraps work. The dead end ones should be even more effective.
The dead-end trap resolves these below issues.
. When sufficient numbers of ovitraps are used and frequently maintained, the vector population can be diminished. One successful example is in Singapore, where ovitraps were used to eliminate mosquitoes at the international airport. Traps have limitations — they require constant supervision and monitoring to prevent them from becoming productive breeding habitats.
the below link again is showing specific testing on the ae mosquito that carries dengue and Zika. Shows the AE mossy and conventional ovitraps of 3 liters. It is best to add some yeast to the trap.
All it takes is a little bit of water and a warm breeze.
We do not believe behavioral resistance will be an evolutionary resulting factor. They need to lay their eggs.
An improved autocidal gravid ovitrap for the control and surveillance of Aedes aegypti
below basically the AE looks for containers with larvae.
General overall write up on AE mossy
Here again, 2016 try using a poison integrated into a plastic ovitrap.
Insecticide-treated lethal ovitraps are used for control of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti in north Queensland, Australia. In an effort to optimize their use, the influence of deployment height, premise shading, and protection from wind on trap efficacy was assessed in field experiments. Sticky ovitraps were used as a proxy for lethal ovitraps because they provide a direct measure of adult visitation rates. Sticky ovitraps deployed at ground level for 1 wk captured significantly more female Ae. aegypti (mean ± SE, 1.7 ± 0.4) than those set at 1.75-m elevation (1.0 ± 0.3). Setting traps on the leeward side of houses significantly improved collections during a dry season experiment but not in the wet season. Traps set at lightly or heavily shaded premises performed equally well. To determine the optimum number of ovitraps to set per premise, five treatments making up different numbers of traps (1, 2, 4, 6, or 8) were trialled in a Latin square experimental design. Female Ae. aegypticollections increased as more traps were deployed, although mean collections by using 4 (2.6 ± 0.6), 6 (2.4 ± 0.5), or 8 traps (4.8 ± 1.3) could not be separated statistically, suggesting that 4 traps was the optimum number for routine deployment.
jan 2017
We conducted a study to compare the effectiveness of the Biogents Gravid Aedes Trap (BG-GAT) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Autocidal Gravid Ovitrap (AGO) with that of the CDC Gravid Trap (CDC-GT) (as a standard) for their proficiency to collect mosquitoes in an urban residential neighborhood in northeastern Florida. Aedes aegypti , Ae. albopictus, and Culex quinquefasciatus were collected from each trap, with the latter species being predominant. Significantly more Cx. quinquefasciatus were collected from CDC-GT traps compared with the other 2 traps. Pairwise comparison of the efficiency of the CDC-GT revealed that this trap collected 6.7- to 21.5-fold more mosquitoes than the BG-GAT, depending on species. The BG-GAT collected overall more mosquitoes (3- to 6-fold) than the AGO, with the exception of Ae. aegypti, where both traps were nearly equal in effectiveness.
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America 2016 This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.
Puerto Rico detected the first confirmed case of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in May 2014 and the virus rapidly spread throughout the island. The invasion of CHIKV allowed us to observe Aedes aegypti (L.) densities, infection rates, and impact of vector control in urban areas using CDC autocidal gravid ovitraps (AGO traps) for mosquito control over several years. Because local mosquitoes can only get the virus from infectious residents, detecting the presence of virus in mosquitoes functions as a proxy for the presence of virus in people. We monitored the incidence of CHIKV in gravid females of Ae. aegypti in four neighborhoods-two with three AGO traps per home in most homes and two nearby neighborhoods without AGO mosquito control traps. Monitoring of mosquito density took place weekly using sentinel AGO traps from June to December 2014. In all, 1,334 pools of female Ae. aegypti (23,329 individuals) were processed by real-time reverse transcription PCR to identify CHIKV and DENV RNA. Density of Ae. aegypti females was 10.5 times lower (91%) in the two areas with AGO control traps during the study. Ten times (90.9%) more CHIKV-positive pools were identified in the nonintervention areas (50/55 pools) than in intervention areas (5/55). We found a significant linear relationship between the number of positive pools and both density of Ae. aegypti and vector index (average number of expected infected mosquitoes per trap per week). Temporal and spatial patterns of positive CHIKV pools suggested limited virus circulation in areas with AGO traps.
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